The Hot Spring:
Double Hot Springs are named either because they are two deep pools next to each other, or because they are the hottest source in the Black Rock Desert. Whichever reason the springs are named it is a cool spot on the eastern edge of the Black Rock Desert about 5 miles north of Black Rock Hot Spring. The two source pools are up on a mound with 2-3 foot delicate steep edges to the water which made it too dangerous to get a temperature reading. According to signs the source temperature is about 180 deg F. Many signs warn of the hot water because in the early 2000's a woman's dog jumped in the water and she jumped in after it and they both died. So be very careful of the sources.
From a catch basin leaving the source pools a pvc pipe brings the extremely hot water to a cattle trough on the flat below the mound the sources are on. A valve on the ground controls how much water goes into the cattle trough or out the overflow pipe. There is no cold water in the area so you have to fill the pool and then wait for it to cool down. After we cleaned the pool and filled it, it took about 5 hours to cool off to a soakable temperature. Then you can control the valve to try to keep the temperature perfect. Local convention is to drain the pool when you leave so that algae do not build up on the sides.
These pictures do not do it
These pictures do not do it justice as to how pretty the water is at these springs. So pretty! As of May 2013, the road the final 1/4 mile to the springs was almost impassible with our 4x4... and then we noticed a new road was right next to it, slightly to the right that was much better driving. Duh! The road from DoubleHot to BlackRock is really bad as of 5/2013... go back to the playa.
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