Glenn's (Seyferth) Hot Spring

General Description: Extremely hot springs on private property with a couple tubs and silty dug out pools.
General Location: Northeastern California in Suprise Vally near Leonards
Pool Type: tubs and dug out pools
Pool Temps: Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F)
Accessibility: year round and directly off a dirt road that may be too muddy when wet
Restrictions: On private property and closed to the public
Elevation: 4600 feet.
Distance from road: 0.00 mile.
Map Reference: Ceerville CA USGS 1:100,000 scale quadrangle, or Leonards Hot Spring CA USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle

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The hot spring is a wonderful

The hot spring is a wonderful one to get into. I have known about this hot spring from and was curious to visit. We enjoyed thoroughly and I was happy that the review was true.

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