Just checking out your Trip Report feature, here! Seeing if it's a little easier to upload photos than the other hot spring website.
This is a trip I took in late October, 2011 (I would have indicated that in your drop-down menu, but it only goes back to 2012) - really fantastic! I absolutely love Goldbug. Best one of all. I am working on locating some property in the area. Land is inexpensive, but resources are 40+ miles away, and soil is probably useless for homesteading. BUT nonetheless, it would certainly be a spiritual and wonderful place to grow old. There is a subdivision 2-5 miles away with a ton of parcels for sale in the $2000 range for 1/4 acre. You need 3 parcels to be septic approved.
About the hotspring: Various pools with temps varying from crab cooker to nice on a 100 degree day. Grueling hike with gear and kids, but totally worth it. We pitched our tent (actually a 4-sided deer blind, no bottom) over a steam vent and had a toasty warm (but wet-ish) tent all night in the last weekend of October. The kids and I loved the little caves you can crawl into in the hot springs. Just the right depth. Gashed my shin open thinking I was entering the pool in one place, but was actually at another (d'oh!). Saw wildlife. Not a stinky spring (although I don't mind that smell, some people do). Visually awestruck. It was during the height of the Occupy Movement in this area, so we were chuckling when we found an "Occupy Goldbug" cardboard sign, as we had heard jokingly that there had been a response to the Occupy Movement by organizing a Goldbug Campout at the halfway-there camp spot. heehee. (Gladly!) This is one place I will gladly occupy!
Gold bug
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