Weatherby Hot Springs

General Description: Hot water pouring out of both sides of a creek.
General Location: About 31 miles west of Atlanta.
Pool Type: None.
Pool Temps: DO NOT SOAK (Above 115° F), Lobster Hot (110° - 115° F), Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F), Very Hot (104° - 106° F), Hot (102° - 104° F)
(Click to enlarge.)
Accessibility: Mid to late summer.
Restrictions: none.
Elevation: 4500 feet.
Distance from road: 1.00 mile.
Book Reference: Hiking Hot Springs in the Pacific Nortwest or Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Northwest.
Map Reference:


The Hot Spring:

So this ones a battle to get to, not many have suceeded. a trudge up the creek or find the jeep path. well we went up the creek and found crazy water slides of warm water and scalding springs that burn yer little tootsies. the springs come out of both sides of the canyon and stream there way into Weatherby(Hot) Creek and are quikly turned to cold, there are many springs puring out but there is just to much cold for it to stay hot, looks like there might have been some seasonal tubs but no way to be sure, all in all this is a good tromp through the woods or creek for a one of a kind spring.

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We had bitter experiences

We had bitter experiences while trekking along this creeks and hills. To say in particular, the springs that comes out from the canyon which turned out to a Hot Spring was really amazing! The supperiorpapers done by the locals on how they formed remained like a mystery that is never been solved and it is still under experimentation!

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