
Baltazor Hot Spring *

General Description: A death pit next to a dry lake with a full cow skeleton in it when we saw it
General Location: Northeastern Nevada near the Oregon boarder outside of Denio
Pool Type: Death Pit
Pool Temps: DO NOT SOAK (Above 115° F)
Back at(Baltzor)

Black Rock Hot Springs *

General Description: A huge hot pool with a fancy dock
General Location: Black Rock Dessert
Pool Type: Sand bottom pool next to a death pit
Pool Temps: Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F), Very Hot (104° - 106° F)
Bad ass Black Rock(Black Rock)

Bog Hot Springs *

General Description: Several hot springs flow into an irigation ditch forming a soakable hot sandy creek
General Location: Near Denio Junction, near the Nevada-Oregon boarder
Pool Type: Hot Creek with sandy sides and bottoms
Pool Temps: Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F), Very Hot (104° - 106° F), Hot (102° - 104° F), Slightly Hot (100° - 102° F), Warm (Below 100° F)
All the pools(Bog Hot)

Casey Hot Springs *

General Description: Unsoakable hot pots next to a dirt road in the Black Rock Desert
General Location: Black Rock Desert between Double Hot and Black Rock Hot Spring
Pool Type: Death Pits
Pool Temps: DO NOT SOAK (Above 115° F)
Mucky out flow(Casey)

Dixie Valley Hot Springs *

General Description: Hot water seeping from the desert floor creating a marshy oasis
General Location: Central Nevada in the Dixie Valley
Pool Type: None
Pool Temps: DO NOT SOAK (Above 115° F)

Double Hot Springs *

General Description: Two extremely hot and deep death pits that flow through pvc pipes to a cattle trough with a view of the Black Rock Desert
General Location: Black Rock Desert
Pool Type: Cattle Trough
Pool Temps: DO NOT SOAK (Above 115° F), Lobster Hot (110° - 115° F), Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F), Very Hot (104° - 106° F)
Cattle trough (Double Hot)

Dry Suzie (Hot Sulphur, Greenhorn) Hot Spring *

General Description: Hot water emerges from a hillside and flows to several shot up tubs and cattle troughs
General Location: Central Nevada, outside of Carlin
Pool Type: Cattle Trough and Bath Tub
Pool Temps: DO NOT SOAK (Above 115° F), Lobster Hot (110° - 115° F), Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F), Very Hot (104° - 106° F)
Andy having trouble soaking(Dry Suzie)

Dyke Hot Springs *

General Description: A couple bath tubs on a hillside with really hot spring water piped in from a nearby sources.
General Location: Northern Nevada outside of Denio
Pool Type: Bath Tubs
Pool Temps: Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F), Warm (Below 100° F)
Algae near source (Dyke)

East Pinto Hot Springs *

General Description: Water is every where.
General Location: Denio region.
Pool Type: none.
Pool Temps: Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F)
Crazy hot water(East Pinto)

Frog Pond Hot Spring *

General Description: A warm pond with shade from trees created by an artesian well in the hot desert
General Location: Black Rock Desert near Trego
Pool Type: Artesian Well creating a pond
Pool Temps: Warm (Below 100° F)
Andy swims and jumps like a frog(Frog Pond)