Twin Springs Resort

General Description: Cabins for rent with hot pools on deck a great place to bring a chik.
General Location: About 42 miles east of Boise.
Pool Type: Hot tub Style.
Pool Temps: DO NOT SOAK (Above 115° F), Lobster Hot (110° - 115° F), Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F), Very Hot (104° - 106° F), Hot (102° - 104° F)
(Click to enlarge.)
Accessibility: Year round.
Restrictions: No day use, soaks comes with cabins.
Elevation: 4200 feet.
Distance from road: 0.00 mile.
Map Reference:


The Hot Spring:

This place is awesome, Hot water flows out of many sources on a hillside above the Middle Fork Boise river at 180 degrees f. and is caught and brought down through pipes to the resort. the resort has 4 four cabins to choose from each with a pool on deck over looking the river, the water comes in very hot so there is a hose spraying in the tub to keep the water cooler, there is also a pipe that will bring the hot and you will be able to get the desired temp. the cabins have to bed rooms a piece, bath and kitchen, the toilet water is even hot, and if your not in the mood to soak there is a small 5 star sauna as well or spend some time with the locals having a beer at the old rustic bar thats on site. this place is well worth it any time and even more after hitting all the soakable springs in the Atlanta area.

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I would like to know prices

I would like to know prices on cabin rentals please.

I would like to know prices

I would like to know prices on cabin rentals please.


--SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION - 208-571-8383 is NOT the number for twin springs.

please call 208-571-8383 -

please call 208-571-8383 - Looking to rentals available 2+ couples - Thanks!

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