Ruby Valley Hot Springs

General Description: Several hot pots on a marshy hump next to the Ruby Valley Wildlife Refuge
General Location: Central Nevada in the Ruby Valley
Pool Type: Silt and sand, marshy pits
Pool Temps: DO NOT SOAK (Above 115° F), Hot (102° - 104° F), Slightly Hot (100° - 102° F), Warm (Below 100° F)
(Click to enlarge.)
Accessibility: Spring through fall, although maybe muddy after a rain and impassible without a hi-clearence vehicle
Restrictions: None
Elevation: 7000 feet.
Distance from road: 0.00 mile.
Book Reference: Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Southwest, or Hot Springs of Nevada
Map Reference: Franklin Lake SW, and/or Ruby Lake NW OR USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle


The Hot Spring:

  Ruby Valley Hot Springs sits on a marshy knoll next to the Ruby Valley Wildlife Refuge.  A collection of hot springs ranging from 100 to 122 degrees F emerges from several sources creating a marshy area where the green stands out in the dry desert.  The area around the spring is very muddy all year long, but there are some ply wood boards you can use for changing, and getting in and out of the water.

  The main soaking pool was about 50 feet across with a un-known depth.  The temperature is usually around 101 to 103 degrees F but in the winter when it is windy it can get down to 90 to 95 degrees.  Even if it is a bit cooler you can get a very nice soak because of being able to chill over the source holding on to a board or just swimming around the big pool.  There is a flat dry area next to this pool you can camp on with a metal fire place to help block the wind.  Another pool is a bit hotter (perhaps because it is smaller) and it has a mettle ladder to help get in and out of the pool because of the marshy edges.  This pool is not as deep with a little silt you sit in and can dig your feet into and feel the hot water rise.  Unfortunately there were a bunch red mites when we were there.

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Was here oct,2016 and red

Was here oct,2016 and red mites were in the pools

Summer 2014 - all pools with

Summer 2014 - all pools with harsh RED MITES

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