Paradise Valley Hot Springs

General Description: A hot source with a mineral deposit that is piped to a cattle trough next to or in the Little Humboldt River.
General Location: Northern Nevada outside of Paradise Valley
Pool Type: Cattle Trough
Pool Temps: Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F)
(Click to enlarge.)
Accessibility: Year round
Restrictions: None
Elevation: 4550 feet.
Distance from road: 0.00 mile.
Map Reference: Osgood Mountains NV USGS 1:100,000 scale quadrangle, or Little Poverty NV USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle


The Hot Spring:

  Paradise Valley Hot Spring is located on the Little Humboldt River near the historical town of Paradise Valley.  The source pool is in a large travertine mound with algae paddies growing on the surface.  The source pool temperature is over 130 deg F, so be very careful around the source.  A pipe catches the hot spring water and brings it to a cattle trough on the bank of the Little Humboldt River, or in the river if the dam is open during the spring.  

  In 2007 there were two metal cattle troughs in the river but in spring 2011 one of the pipes flowed into the river and the other one went into one large plastic cattle trough.  If all of the flow is going into the cattle trough then it is often too hot and needs time to cool off or you can bring buckets of the river water to cool it off.  The pool seems to be well taken care of by locals.  There are many farm houses in the nearby area and driving along the dirt road so it is not a surprise that its is used often and kept relatively clean.  It is on private land so respect should be shown, but across the dirt road from the spring is BLM land where camping is allowed.

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