Patua (Hazen) Hot Spring

General Description: A bunch of very hot springs in a flat area next to a couple hills and railroad track with no bathing opportunities because its too hot and dirty and the area is mostly used for off road vehicles to play.
General Location: Eastern Nevada outside of Reno
Pool Type: Mud swamps
Pool Temps: Extremely Hot (106° - 110° F)
(Click to enlarge.)
Accessibility: Year round
Restrictions: None
Elevation: 4100 feet.
Distance from road: 0.25 mile.
Map Reference: Reno NV USGS 1:100,000 scale quadrangle, or Hazel NV USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle

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A collection of very hot

A collection of very hot springs in a flat adjacent to the town of Fernley. Currently, the hot springs provide no bathing opportunities, but this may change. Patua Hot Springs consist of several sources of very hot water forming small, shallow pools. The water has been used for many purposes in the past, but currently they are left in a natural state. These springs are in a very beautiful setting near the Fernley Wildlife Management Area and are worth a visit. They are also in an area of extensive geothermal activity, from the Soda Lake area to Brady’s Hot Springs. -white rock condos

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